Over the last few years I've made tremendous growth with regards to the ability to use my voice. Not just for singing, but for honest communicating in general. I remember literally being scared to speak out aloud in school when I was a kid. I remember the first time I sang in public, I almost fainted with fright. It's been a long and windy round, with many "fake it till you make it"experiences and years since then. The NDE I had nearly 6 years ago during the birth of my youngest child was a catalyst into a new paradigm foe mr, being so thankful just to be alive, I remember the first performance I had at a friends house afterwards, I felt so free, so joyful just to be using my voice, and sharing music with my friends, and the joy that comes with live music. My friend commented that she'd never seen me so animated and asked what had happened. Nothing like a NDE to put things into perspective. Since then my journey into less fear around using my voice has propelled me up the mountain of my ascension at a greater rate than ever before. The last few performances I did had me more peaceful, and thankful, and joyful than ever whilst performing, and i realized after from a few comments that others had made, that it wasn't just the singing / performing that some people enjoyed, it was also inspiring for others, who like me, struggle with fear around using their voice. It's been a torment and teaser forever, I've had a lifetime aspiration to sing, yet have forever felt such tremendous stage fright, it's a pain that I realize is so prevalent. It makes me feel happy to know that my getting up and sharing from the heart, via my voice, is actually helping to inspire others, in the same way that so many have inspired me. It's a beautiful thing. Let's use our voices everyone, our bravery sends healing tones out far and wide, fears be gone!!
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